
Finding Annu Aalto



It was about 49 days after her passing when her parents visited Sokyusha to donate her unused films.  Chiba-san, who was holding an exhibition at the gallery that day, received them. I was supposed to work at Sokyusha on the following day, there I was given 32 rolls of her will.   She appeared in my dream that night, telling me that she wanted to take photos. I woke up at dawn, loaded her film into my camera, and left home.  It was around 6 in the morning. As I began shooting, I heard her voice say, “Tataran, the world is so beautiful!”   I feel a sense of dizziness when I think of those I will never see again. Everything that has left this world reaches me from afar.



The Sound of Distant Drums

2012年〜2023年 撮影

 「それで、何か分かったかね」ふと声が聞こえたような気がする。 この世に神がいるのなら、こんな風に語りかけてくる存在に違い ない。生前の父はよく、神は自らの中にいると言っていた。かつ ては妙なことを言うと思っていたけれど、生涯を見渡せばそんな 境地になるのも分かる気がする。
この写真を撮り始めたきっかけは 2012年、若い頃から写真を撮 らせていただいている藤枝の青島酒造の社長であり杜氏の孝さ んが、藤守にある大井八幡宮境内松尾神社の守護者である酒
造総元締役になり、その記録のため神社を訪問したことだった。 二度目の帰り道、途中まで車を走らせて戻った。この地をただ、 まっさらな目で撮ってみたいと思った。
縁のある地でありながら何も知らないので、菩提寺の大学寺、 お墓のある惣右衛門、義父の母方の実家があった吉永を足がかり にして彷徨い歩いた。
Suddenly, I felt as if I heard a voice saying, “So, have you learned anything?” If gods exist in this world, I am sure they would speak to us like this. Before my father died, he used to tell me that God is within us. I used to think that it was a strange thing for him to say, but looking at his life, I can understand why he had come to that conclusion.
I began taking these photographs in 2012, after Takashi, the pres- ident and chief sake brewmaster of Aoshima Shuzo Co., Ltd. in Fujieda, became the general director of sake brewers—the guardian of Matsuo Shrine in the precincts of Fujimori Oi Hachiman Shrine. I have been taking photographs of him since I was young, and I visited the shrine to document his appointment. During my second trip, I was already halfway back home when I decided to drive back to the area—simply because I wanted to take photographs of this place from a fresh perspective.
Even though I have connections with this area, I didn’t know anything about it, so I wandered around, using Daigakuji, my family temple, Soemon, where my family’s grave is located, and Yoshinaga, where my father-in-law’s maternal family lived, as my footholds.
The birds were flying high in the sky.



If Sush be the Case

1996年〜2008年 撮影


The photographs contained here were taken in a place where I once lived. A once familiar life,that I thought would go on despite intuiting that I woule lose it someday,is no more.After that time of transition,from the standstill until I accepted reality,I realized that was is no other way but forwred.The reason I press the shutter button is not because I wish to preserve these memories, or hope to wax nostalgic on them later. Rather,it is akin to an obsessive sensation,a desire to cling to the "eternal."



Matsushita's Yamadanisiki

1996年〜2000年 撮影

 現在、松下さんの山田錦は、青島酒造の銘酒「喜久酔純米大吟醸 松下米」となり、毎年人気を博している。

2000年 酒田市土門拳文化賞 奨励賞 受賞

1997,He cultivated rice for sake「YAMADANISIKI」 in organic farming. It was difficult in Shizuoka because mild weather.
Nowadays Organic farming is liked by many people. In that time, Matsushita received the complaint from other farmers. He worked hard without bending belief. Present, Matsushita's Yamadanisiki became famous becomes sake of aoshima syuzo. This is a record of three years.   2000 Sakata Ken Domon Cultural prize
Encouragement prize


おばあちゃん劇団 ほのお

Theatrical company of Grandma「Flame」

1996年〜2006年 撮影

 おばあちゃん劇団「ほのお」は、老いの幸せを社会に問いかけた劇団である。  拠点は静岡県藤枝市大洲。主催の大石さきさんは、昭和50年4月、保健婦を定年退職した後、福祉事務所に在籍して老人家庭を訪問していた。そこで「お年寄り問題の重大さをどうしたら直接訴えることができるのか」と深く考えるようになった。分かりやすく寸劇で伝えようと試み、それが評判を呼んで20名の「劇団ともしび」を誕生させた。12年後に「劇団ほのお」と改名し、誕生から35年目を迎える。

Grandma theatrical company "Flame" is a theatrical company that asked the society as for happy of aging.
The base is Shizuoka Prefecture Fujieda City Osu. Year 35 from the birth is received. The performed theme is "Family", "Bride and mother-in-law", "Dementia elderly person", "Elderly person's traffic accident", "Nursing of the elderly person of bedridden", and "Something to live for of aging. ", etc.



Daikanyama Doujunkai Apartment

1996年 撮影


The oldest housing complex in Japan.